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Hello, My name is Emmai for some time, with appetizing shapes…..I am an independent joy woman, free now for the party if you really want company I am here for that too ok…
I only answer on WhatsApp +4593703950
▿ Hello, my name is Emmai for a few time already, with appetizing shapes. I’m a pretty, sexy, attractive girl… quiet and with a great sense of humor. I am a good partner for men who respect each other! Much experience in what I do, educated and with a lot of common sense. I offer generous and good child gentlemen unique moments. I am waiting for you in my place of residence, where I live alone… Hygiene, discretion and seriousness are very important to me
- Kørsel eskorte
- Har eget sted
- Accepterer handicappede
- Accepterer flere på samme tid
Adresse: Copenhague
Telefon: +4593703950
SMS: +4593703950
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