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Escort model

Ready ???? / not ready ???? .

Only call me if you are ready and booking in advance is nessesary.
( There are many different types of really good sex but its always a question if people are ready, like can they answer the questions and make a good deal )

1) What sex do you want ? ( what are your desires and how do you like to be satisfied )

2) Where do you want to meet ? ( location )

3) How much can you pay ? ( money amount )

4) Other relevant informations ?

5) Your photo ?

6 ) ????

Note: Please answer these questions when you contact me as my time is very valuable and I am only interested in using my time on people that really appriciate it.

Sti: Forside / Annonce / Escort model

  • Kørsel eskorte
  • Har eget sted
  • Accepterer flere på samme tid

Adresse: Jørgensgård 86 C


Telefon: 51944480

SMS: 51944480

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  • Alder: 42 År
  • Højde: 180 cm
  • Vægt: 80 kg
  • Kropstype: Atletisk
  • Etnicitet: Europæisk (White)
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