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Escort model
Ready ???? / not ready ???? .
Only call me if you are ready and booking in advance is nessesary.
( There are many different types of really good sex but its always a question if people are ready, like can they answer the questions and make a good deal )
1) What sex do you want ? ( what are your desires and how do you like to be satisfied )
2) Where do you want to meet ? ( location )
3) How much can you pay ? ( money amount )
4) Other relevant informations ?
5) Your photo ?
6 ) ????
Note: Please answer these questions when you contact me as my time is very valuable and I am only interested in using my time on people that really appriciate it.
- Kørsel eskorte
- Har eget sted
- Accepterer flere på samme tid
Adresse: Jørgensgård 86 C
Telefon: 51944480
SMS: 51944480
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- Alder: 42 År
- Højde: 180 cm
- Vægt: 80 kg
- Kropstype: Atletisk
- Etnicitet: Europæisk (White)
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Vi tager alle rapporter meget alvorligt. Efter din rapport vil vi undersøge sagen nærmere. Hvis nødvendigt, vil vi kontakte dig. De informationer, du giver, vil ikke blive gjort offentlige på noget tidspunkt og vil kun blive håndteret af vores personale.